It is about managing risks. That is one of the primary requirements intended by the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. For me it should be the foundation of any organisation. Having blogged about risk before, I don’t want to be seen to be repeating myself. I do however feel it is important that when discussing risk we are all on the same page. Risk is not a hazard. Hazards create risk. Something I felt needed to be cleared up. For years people have debated over the definition of risk, and I have no intention of adding fuel to that fire. But we (the Health and Safety Profession) all agree. When considering risk we need to consider two things. The likelihood of an event occurring, and The severity of the consequence Now that we are all on the same page with traditional risk considerations, might I be so bold as to add a third consideration? The benefits Now I hear you all say... “the benefits of risk, risk ...